This is the WEB page of Northern Access Television's Multi-Faith and Inter-Faith awareness program, "Harmony in Diversity", on C31 - Melbourne Community Television, Melbourne, Australia.

For information about specific guests you can Email the programs Host, Norm Currie at:

We also have a You Tube site for Harmony in Diversity.

Embeded below is the uploaded videos playlist from the You Tube Channel. Click on the play symbol to start the latest uploaded video, then click on the playlist symbol in the top bar to scroll through the rest of them.

About our Program:

We are producing an ongoing half hour Multi Faith/Inter Faith program in a studio interview format, for STREAMING weekly on C31 Melbourne

Though the first series was funded by a grant from the Victorian Government’s Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship, this on going series has not recieved any funding. It is being produced through the Northern Access Television Association Inc, a full member of the Melbourne Community TV Consortium that operates C31

There are also following partner organizations who are/have been involved with the program:

The Focolare Movement
COMMON (Centre for Melbourne Multi-faith and others Network)
RMIT Chaplaincy

Purposes of Program:

To increase the awareness of existing multi and inter faith initiatives in Victoria via the medium of community TV and streaming video over the internet and encourage viewers to join existing interfaith groups or start their own by telling the stories of already existing groups.

To encourage racial and religious tolerance through interviews of people involved in groups in the community involved in achieving this.

To encourage the understanding of various faiths and cultures by talking to people of various faith communities in Victoria.

The programs producer:

The producer of the program is myself, David McLauchlan, - I have been involved with Northern Access TV since 1994, the programs I have produced in the past include, Northern Community News, Nat Chat and Et Cetera, and I am currently also producer of the "Spirit of Life" program for C31.

For more information about me see my web site –

For information about our production group, Northern Access Television, go to

For more information about Melbourne's Channel 31 you can go to the stations Web Site at

The programs producer is myself, David McLauchlan - Ph: 0412 166 563

For more information about me see my Personal Web Site:

For more information you can Email me at


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